Learning Design

What is Constructivism?

What is constructivism? Why is it so important? How can you use it to change behaviours and boost knowledge retention?
Learning Design

How to harness the power of storytelling

Stories and scenarios are powerful learning devices. Learn how to tell stories to maximum effect in your learning courses.
Learning Design

What is microlearning?

What is microlearning? Why should you use microlearning in your training? How can you apply a microlearning approach to team training?

What is HowTooHub LMS?

Introducing the Learning Management System that makes distributing elearning training courses easy.

How to use Videos for effective learning

Videos are much more interesting than text, but how can we use them most effectively in learning courses?
Learning Design

What is digital learning?

Digital learning uses electronic media to create teaching experiences for teams in workplaces.
Learning Culture

How to create self-motivated learners

It's the holy grail: a team of employees eager to learn and upskill without being reminded again and again. Learn how to develop a culture of self-motivated learners.

Proud recipients of the Accelerating Commercialisation grant!

The grant will help expand the HowToo team, provide business opportunities by engaging with experts, and increase the development of the software through new opportunities for commercialisation.